How To takedown A Bow

A takedown-bow is a compound bow designed with a riser, usually made out of an oak leaf core and two long limbs to create a fully functional bows. The limbs are usually constructed from carbon fiber, which is why the bows are so lightweight compared to other compound bows. Although the takedown is not the smallest bow on the market, it is by far the strongest. This article will focus on how the takedown is constructed, as this is important for choosing the best compound bow.


To take apart a bow, you need two hands. First, separate the two limbs at the cams with your fingers. Second, unscrew the cap nuts on both ends and pull the limbs free from the cam. If you’re using a regular bow, all you have to do is unscrew all the arbors and attach the limbs and cam nut together. However, if you are using an automatic bow, you may have to disassemble it further.

You should then secure the limbs in a way that they are completely stable. In general, the best way to do this is to place them on the ground and lean them against each other, while holding the bow in your hand. Press the bow handle firmly between the limbs, and hold for several seconds. Then release the bow. Repeat this process for each limb, until all limbs are in proper alignment.

As for how the actual takedown process works, it is fairly simple. First, the limb that is furthest away from you will be nearest the string. Next, the bow user pulls on the string, which pulls on the limb next to it (so the furthest limb is always pulled forward).

The process of disassembling a compound bow is more complicated. The first step is to take the limbs apart, again by putting them on the ground and pushing them against each other. Next, the user places the bow on their knees, with the nock pointing down and the string pointing up. They then pull on both ends of the string, releasing the bow. Repeat this process for each leg of the bow.

Some people find it easier to disassemble a compound bow by hand. If that’s the case, they should disassemble it just before putting it on the ground, instead of doing it after the string is pulled. This ensures that the limbs are properly set in position and will help them stay in place once you set them down. There is also an additional process called “snapcasting” that some people use to take apart their takedown-bows, and that can be explained more fully in the bow section.